Gallery Dog Friendly GardensMy own garden is not only dog friendly but has elements incorporated especially to enhance her quality of life.Inspiration From Vintage FindsVintage finds can reinforce a design concept as well as define one. A favorite pastime is searching out vintage architectural salvage items and imagining how they might be used. Acting on the spot adds to the excitement and serendipity of including them in a design. (I still regret not purchasing these beauties.)The ones that got away Vintage FindsActing on the spot and snagging that vintage find adds to the excitement and serendipity of including them in a design.Freehand EmbroideryDandelion SeedsIndigo embroideryBlue Wild Indigo seed podsEmbroidery CircleMy garden is a source of seemingly endless inspiration for all kinds of projects. I created these little rustic plant-based designs while traveling and later made them into hanging sachets. It was a super compact project as only small scraps of fabric and some embroidery floss needed to be packed.Personalized Garden ToolboxThis is my super handy everyday toolbox. It’s modeled after my grandfather’s and I inscribed my logo with a wood burning tool. Its sturdy, simple and practical.Wrought Iron Paint Removal ToolsExperimenting with a multitude of tools for removing the brittle cracking and flaking paintEarthwise Salvage Wrought Iron GateI saw these two wrought iron fence panels at Earthwise Architectural Salvage and couldn’t resist them. They may be Belgian from the late 1800’s but I’ve been looking for examples of similar ironwork and haven’t yet found anything definitive. I’ve been imagining where they may have “lived” and what events may have taken place near them over time during the many hours I’ve spent removing the layers of paint and rust.Discovering Color ChoicesYears of paint color choices revealedEarthwise Architectural SalvageLearning a new skill - Bead blasting the final layers of paint to expose the raw wrought iron surface Today is the perfect day for a little gardening If you have been putting off your gardening project, don’t wait another day! Contact me